Sole Proprietorship Registration Twitter 1. Applicant / Owner Aadhaar Card Number / आधार संख्या * Enter a 12 digit Aadhaar number issued by UIDAI. (Aadhaar Card will be verified after form submission within 48 hours after submission, our Executive will call & Verify OTP with other relevant information) 2. Name of Owner / Applicant as printed on Aadhaar Card/ उद्यमी का नाम * Note:- You Can Only Register One Udyam Registration Per Aadhaar Card. 3. Applicant / Owner Social Category / सामाजिक वर्ग * Select General OBC SC ST The Applicant may select the Social Category (General, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Castes (OBC). 4. Applicant Gender / लिंग Select Applicant Gender Male Female The Applicant can select gender of Entrepreneur. 5. Applicant Physically Handicapped / शारीरिक रूप से विकलांग Select Yes No The Applicant can select Physically Handicapped status of Entrepreneur. 6. Name of Enterprises / Business / उद्यम का नाम The Applicant must fill the name by which his/her Enterprise is known to the customers/public and is a legal entity to conduct business. 7. Type of Organisation / Business / संगठन के प्रकार Select Oganization Type 1. Proprietor 2. Hindu Undivided Family ( HUF ) 3. Partnership 4. Co-Operative 5. Private Limited Company 6. Public Limited Company 7. Selp Help Group 8. Limited Liability Partnership The Applicant may select from the given list the appropriate type of the organisation for his/her enterprise. 8. Company / Owner PAN Number पैन संख्या The Applicant have to enter PAN Number in case of Co Operative,Private Limited, Public Limited and Limited Liability Partnership. 9. Date of Commencement of Business / Starting Business Date / उद्यम के प्रारंभ की तिथि(MM/DD/YYYY) The date in the past on which the business entity commenced its operations may be filled in the appropriate field. 10. Location of Plant (Full Address) / संयंत्र के स्थान The Applicant may add multiple plant location in one registration by filling Additional Plant option. 11.Office Address / आधिकारिक पता The Applicant should fill in the appropriate field the complete postal address of the Enterprise including State, District, Pin code. 12. Enter Your Valid Email.ID (Certificate Send To Email.Id) / ईमेल * Certificate Send To Email.Id 13. Applicant Mobile Number / मोबाइल नंबर Appicant Mobile Number. 14. Bank Name / बैंक का नाम The Applicant must provide his/her bank account number used for running the Enterprise in the appropriate place. 15. Bank Account Number / बैंक खाता संख्या The Applicant must provide his/her bank account number used for running the Enterprise in the appropriate place. 16. Bank IFSC Code / आईएफएस कोड The Applicant must also provide the IFS Code of the bank’s branch where his/her mentioned account exists. 17. GST Number / जीएसटी नंबर (Optional) Note:- GSTIN Number are mandatory for Udyam Registration from 01.04.2021. You are advised to apply for GSTIN Number immediately and update the same on this website by 31.03.2021, to avoid suspension of Udyam Registration. 18. Main Business Activity of Enterprise / इकाई का प्रमुख गतिविधि Select Main Business Activity Manufacturer Service Provider The major activity i.e. either “Manufacturing” or “Service” may be chosen by the enterprise for Udyog Aadhaar. 19. Additional details about Business /व्यापार के बारे में अतिरिक्त जानकारी Fill Additional details about business. (For example – manufacturing of Food Products, Computer programing, Software development) "व्यवसाय के बारे में अतिरिक्त जानकारी भरें।" 20. Number of employees / Labour / Worker / व्यक्ति नियोजित The total number of people who are directly been paid salary/ wages by the enterprise may be mentioned in the appropriate field. 21. Investment in Plant and Machinery (Amount in Lacs) / निवेश lnvestment in Plant & Machinery / Equipment TOC I hereby declare that information provided in registration form is true to the best of my knowledge and I accept terms & conditions, disclaimer and refund policies by clicking "Proceed" button. Procedure 1. Select Service 2. Fill Up the Form 3. Make Online Payment 4. Experts Will Process your Form 5. Get Your Certificate on your mail.